New Guy Checking in from Savannah Ga


New Member
First off my is Brandon and I have been working in the insurance field for about a year now. I started out with AFLAC which was a nightmare. I was able to get on with another company that writes medicare advantage,life,and annuities. I was told that the money would be good and so on. However shortly after I go through the training process(4+weeks) and get contracted with several companies,they decided that they were going to make changes:twitchy:. Long story short, they are now setting up to only do whole life telesales by the first of april. I had an opportunity to test it out but didn't like it to much. So anywho I joined the site hoping to gain useful knowledge. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
Welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you on here. I love seeing people from my state on here. Let me know if I can help you with anything.
Welcome to the site Brandon. There's alot of useful info here that can help you turn your luck around.

Welcome to the Forum. There is a lot of excellent content here and a lot of knowledgeable people to answer questions and share ideas.

Good luck getting started again.
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I have only been in Savannah now for about 2 years. It's a nice but the city seems to have alot of issues. I live out near effingham so I usually don't have to deal with the city life. I do miss tarheel country but my wife likes it here so i'll stick it out for a while.