New Health Insurance Requirement ... Was GOP Idea

The article frames the issue in the first sentence by saying that the GOP was for mandate before they were against it. Could we not have as easily framed the issue by saying that Obama was against it before he was for it????? After all, in the campaign, Mrs. Clinton said that she wanted mandated coverage for all - but Obama said he only wanted mandate for children, and that the rest would sign up because his plan was going to get the premiums down and affordability was the only reason why people would not sign up of their own free will, a few nutcases notwithstanding.

The criticism of the GOP for not putting a coherent message together is quite valid. I think some of them would defend their flip flop by saying that their earlier support was an anlternative to head off a total government takeover versus the present scenario where you get both over time. But I will leave it to the republicans to get their message together or not. If they had any smarts, and that is doubtful given the way Pelosi outgunned them, they would turn the thrust of this article around by using the same facts to show that they have been leaders on the issue and just object to MaoCare. Probalby they are too stupid to do that though but maybe Newt will show some of them how to think before the election.

Having said that, then it is also valid to criticize Obama's flip flop by pointing out that he supports mandate now because he knows and the CBO knows and the public knows that affordability ain't gonna happen under MaoCare in any way that is going increase enrollment to his pipe dream campaign expectations. The only way enrollemnt would go up now without mandate as he originally argued for would be if the subsidy went up to make it conform with his original affordability plan. However that puts the CBO projection out the window if he did that and it is already out the window and headed toward Pluto as it is.
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