NEW SEP Wrinkle for Snowbirds


5000 Post Club
So, this presents a new problem.

1. I traditional sold snowbirds a national PPO plan to cover them in both places, based in the state they are legal resident in. My licensed states.

2. With demise of PPO's, what's their solution for next year 2017? Well, it could be the solution provided below. Change plans mid year based on where you will be "living" not per se' a legal resident.

3. IF so, that means when my snowbirds only have an HMO option for my licensed state, and then they switch to my Non-licensed state for the winter/summer, I lose the business for those number of months.

More ways to cut any pay that may be available.

Federal Officials Clarify Rules On Getting New Health Coverage After A Move | Kaiser Health News

Federal Officials Clarify Rules On Getting New Health Coverage After A Move

People may have more than one residence and may qualify for marketplace coverage in both places. Someone who keeps two homes in different states and spends entire seasons or lengthy periods of time in each could sign up for marketplace coverage in either or both states after each move, according to CMS.
"People may have more than one residence and may qualify for marketplace coverage in both places. Someone who keeps two homes in different states and spends entire seasons or lengthy periods of time in each could sign up for marketplace coverage in either or both states after each move, according to CMS."

And if they get injured or sick after arriving, but before sitting down at the computer, or calling to enroll? The sickness/injury won't be covered. Also, the retroactive coverage won't go into effect until they pay the premium.

Yep..HMOs won't work well at all for "Snowbirds".