New to Selling Insurance


What are you planning on selling?

Advice, pick one product and become an expert on it before adding additional products to your portfolio.

The agents who try to start being all things to all people usually struggle at selling anything. Just my opinion.
Well right now I have p and c. And I did want to.get my life but I think your right. I should stick to just this for a while. Im actually trying to find ways to get referrals right now from friends and family and get the word around. And thank guys for making me feel welcome.already!!!
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In Odessa ( where all the work is but not enough people). By the way I love Dallas.
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Just noticed Sotoinsurance....
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Had a friend open and close a SF agency there in a matter of months...have another friend that is an agent in Midland. Most of the others I know are either in Dallas/Ft. Worth or Houston. Have a good agent friend in El Paso as well.

If you're up for moving Houston is experiencing a big insurance least for the SF agents they were doing well there. Which can only mean the independants were doing even better...not to close to the coast, so you dont have restrictions but nice size premiums.
Wow are they really booming with insurance over there. Would love too but a little nervous due to barely starting. And where did you move back too.