New York Premiums Regulations

In addition to basically forcing insurance carriers to now withdraw from the market, I "loved" this:

Required insurers to allow unmarried young adults, through 29 years of age, to be covered under a parent's group health insurance policy.

Why 29? Why not age 40?

In addition to basically forcing insurance carriers to now withdraw from the market, I "loved" this:

Required insurers to allow unmarried young adults, through 29 years of age, to be covered under a parent's group health insurance policy.

Why 29? Why not age 40?


The Governor of New York would have to be blind to sign something like that.

In addition to basically forcing insurance carriers to now withdraw from the market, I "loved" this:

Required insurers to allow unmarried young adults, through 29 years of age, to be covered under a parent's group health insurance policy.

Why 29? Why not age 40?


Why not just go to 64?

It could be payback for us screwing our kids into so much government debt.
This is my favorite

"Health care is a right, not a privilege..."

Ignoring whether that is true or not. Health insurance does not equal health care, or vice versa. They seem to forget all the programs designed to get people health care they cannot afford. I wonder if they will ever figure out the are trying to regulate the wrong thing?
In addition to health care, you should also be able to live in your parents house rent free until age 29!! Might as well through in free food also.