I am a newly licensed agent and I am not really familar with the entire license and contracting process. I work for an FMO. The company is pretty much taking care of all the licensing and contracting for me, but this means I don't have access to my license, writing numbers, or appointments until they decide to realease the info to me. I recently looked on the naic website and found out that im licensed in 10 states that I did not even know about. They have used the work address for all my licensing and contracting info so everything goes to them. I have also recently been told that if I decide to leave the company that they will hold my appointments with each company. I am not sure what this means for my future in the insurance industry and any info would be great. I need to know what if anything can this FMO do if I decide to leave the company. Will I loose my license since they paid for them, and what will I need to do to keep my appointments with these companies.