No Field for Broker Info or NPN...


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
On one of the applications (new, not re-newal) and new format on, I didn't see the field to enter broker info and NPN. We removed the app and, same thing, no field for my info. I plan to do BOR later, but has anyone experienced this???

Am I missing something?
I am thinking that they just forgot us on this very fast enrollment version.:goofy:
You must have missed the 20 training courses..........or you're a skim reader. I have not done one new app, and I know where it is. Look for little box to check, to expand to insert broker info. Or do at end, after plan confirm page.
"Another person is helping me with my application" in tiny print is the way it shows on the newer streamlined app. After identity is verified and client information is entered in/name/address, right after the applicant's info: The statement appears beside a tiny little box to check. When checked, then it expands to take name, and type of helper, which includes agent or broker. If you indicate agent/broker, a box opens up to enter your NPN. I also noticed yesterday that at some point after approval, when in the plan choice section, there is another opportunity to enter "Is anyone helping you", same info to enter.
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I had not noticed it at the time of plan selection.

Like he just said, the first opportunity is right after identy verification.