No Savings or Containment in the Plan


5000 Post Club
Gee that's a surprise. How convenient that this was released after the bill was passed rather than before.

Note that they are not projecting savings even if all the assumed goals in the bill occur which is unlikely and will only make things worse.

I know. There is no news here. It's dirty though. The introduction of the bill was a dirty, dirty, dirty process. If the republicans were in the majority they could get these guys to testify as to why they know some things this month that they didnt last month (can you spell Dead Fish Rahm, boys and girls) but it is not going to happen. Might be some Senators sending letters over though just to rile things up.

Dirty. Very, very dirty. These are the same clowns that drag Toyota before their committees and try to get them to commit hari kari for suppressing actionable information.


Health Care Cost Increase Is Projected for New Law -
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Winter you seem to be on top of things as usual....However in this case I think we all knew this dirty secret was out there....Once again another case of how to tell a politician is lieing is to see if their lips are moving :) I recieved an email with an old clip of Maxine Waters berating the Oil Industry and saying this liberal is about socializing then changing her wording...what I caught for the firt time about that clip was the oil exec actually fighting back...I think it is time more witnesses get angry.

Now we have more regulation of Wall St....but both the Rep & Dems are taking contributions from these people and sec regulators where too busy watching porn to do their jobs....Its more than just the politicians are inempt so are many federal & state officials...

Sorry for the rant...I've just been getting so angry lately watching what is happening to my country....I wonder if Michelle O is happier today about her country as she was back in 08 when Barack was nominated.
My largest objection to the whole reform bill is that I believed it lacked any form of cost control or limiting growth in prices at all. Just adding a ton more insured people to the rolls does not lower costs, the laws of supply and demand say it does the opposite.

Higher demand = Higher costs.
I recieved an email with an old clip of Maxine Waters berating the Oil Industry and saying this liberal is about socializing then changing her wording...what I caught for the firt time about that clip was the oil exec actually fighting back...I think it is time more witnesses get angry.

Now we have more regulation of Wall St....but both the Rep & Dems are taking contributions from these people and sec regulators where too busy watching porn to do their jobs....Its more than just the politicians are inempt so are many federal & state officials...


Ahh yes. Maxine Waters and "there is no crisis at Fannie Mae under the outstanding leadership of Franklin Raines." Barney and the rest of his clowns are still on those committees and now we are about to pass a bunch of financial regulations to give them even more power to abuse or not use or whatever.
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adding a ton more insured people to the rolls

Half the 32 million will go on Medicaid. The other half are expected to buy health insurance or pay a fine.

Like that is going to happen. Even with subsidies many will pay a fine, if caught and thumb their nose at the mandate (assuming it passes the challenge in the courts).