Nuggets for Us in Budget Bill


5000 Post Club
Here is some info from NAHU on the budget bill signed. Looks like we gonna get a vote in the senate, and some other goodies:

The draft legislative language for the budget deal will not be available until later today or tomorrow morning, but many sources have reported that another main PPACA change included in the deal is the elimination of $2 billion in funding for the creation of private nonprofit health insurance cooperatives. House Republicans also report that the deal resulted in a guaranteed full Senate debate and vote on H.R. 2, the House-passed measure to repeal PPACA. There will be numerous required studies on the law's affect on premiums, the number and cost of contractors hired to implement the law and "a full audit of the waivers that the Obama administration has given to firms and organizations—including unions—that can't meet the new annual coverage limits, ," and additional funding to hire more IRS agents was also eliminated.
Here is some info from NAHU on the budget bill signed. Looks like we gonna get a vote in the senate, and some other goodies:

There will be numerous required studies on the law's affect on premiums, the number and cost of contractors hired to implement the law and "a full audit of the waivers that the Obama administration has given to firms and organizations—including unions—that can't meet the new annual coverage limits.

Sounds like it will take until at least 2014 to conduct these numerous studies. Likely followed by much debate. By then, premiums will be twice as high as they are now and insurance companies will be begging us to come back and do what only a live licensed agent can do.