Off Exchange Options Flew Under the Radar

Yes Allen...................................


And off exchange is eligible to share in the reinsurance money
The article seems to imply that the off exchange plans are better deals than on the exchange.
If a carrier is on the exchange, I thought the off-exchange plans had to be the same as on the exchange.
Only if a carrier is not on the state exchange can they offer better deals, right?
Don Levit
The article seems to imply that the off exchange plans are better deals than on the exchange.
If a carrier is on the exchange, I thought the off-exchange plans had to be the same as on the exchange.
Only if a carrier is not on the state exchange can they offer better deals, right?
Don Levit

In my state, we have off-exchange only carriers as you mentioned. We also have on exchange carriers that choose to offer identical product portfolios on and off the exchange. We have a third category of carriers that offer 1 portfolio on the exchange, that same portfolio off the exchange, and a second off-exchange portfolio with different plans and pricing.
The different plans and pricing, how different are they?
The meaningful difference provision in the ACA has very little difference so that an insurer can offer more plans: such as deductibles of $50 or more and out-of-pocket spending of $100 or more.
Don Levit
Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J MSNBC 10/26/13: "There's too much emphasis on the website ( I mean, you can sign up -- you can still go to an insurance agent. You can call the 1-800-number. You can go to community health centers. Yesterday, I was at the Monmouth food bank in my district where they were signing people up. I mean, I know that the administration put all the emphasis on this website. But in many cases, that was misplaced. The website needs to be corrected, and I believe it will in the next few weeks, but people can sign up without going on the website. You know, most people used to go to an insurance agent to sign up for insurance. They can still do that. And usually, they don't get charged for it. You know, the insurance agent gets paid, you know, as a part of the fee. I mean, there's no reason why people can't signed up."
The different plans and pricing, how different are they?
The meaningful difference provision in the ACA has very little difference so that an insurer can offer more plans: such as deductibles of $50 or more and out-of-pocket spending of $100 or more.
Don Levit

Some are very different, some not so different. Just use the world's most famous zip code in eHealth and you can take a look.