Oh those pesky lead companies...


5000 Post Club
Got a great lead from Insureme at 9:26 p.m. tonight. Healthy family of four that lives about five minutes from my office.


At 9:27 p.m. I received the same lead from VIMO.

Not so great!

I guess I get the "Most Choices" of anyone.

Little joke there...
I doubt the info could have been duplicated at another site in 60 seconds.

So . . .

Maybe Insureme is selling their leads to Vimo, or

Vimo is selling to Insureme, or

An affiliate is selling the same lead to Vimo and Insureme, or

There is a delay in the Insureme server, or . . . .
tells me to only buy from one lead company.......

Got a great lead from Insureme at 9:26 p.m. tonight. Healthy family of four that lives about five minutes from my office.


At 9:27 p.m. I received the same lead from VIMO.

Not so great!

I guess I get the "Most Choices" of anyone.

Little joke there...