OMG He's Back!!!


5000 Post Club
After a period of almost 18 months without any emails from Dean Cipriano, he is back with a vengeance. I have been receiving daily emails from him about annuity sales for the past few days. I am now putting up a blockade against this spammer.:mad:
Dean has a new system for annuity sales. He's going back to the same wells he already peed in. No more free report BS. BS just the same. $2995, I think.
his main thing is a newspaper ads with old ladies crying about market losses ( BIG BAD BROKER) AND IS SAVED BY THE INDEX WHEELING INSURANCE AGENT. DOI COMPLAINT WAITING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard a commercial on radio the other day and it said something about being tired of "insurance agents and their annuities." Wonder if Deano has had anything to do with that?