One Click Life Insurance


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Getting a quote from a single carrier has become so "old school" with the introduction of Google DirectLife, an initiative that works with multiple life carriers and can provide you with several quotes, features and better coverage instantly. Functioning in about 750 locations in high-traffic malls, DirectLife interacts with its clients using the Internet, phone calls and in-person meetings as a medium. It designs the coverage and the product based on the feedback of the client.

Giant online retailer Amazon diversifies into life insurance with the launch of Amazon Life (ALife) — a life insurance company that deals with term insurance. The move is being viewed as a game changer in the industry as it is based on a customer’s point of view of obtaining a life insurance policy.

Will Google and Amazon offer one-click life insurance? | LifeHealthPro

What will Jeff Root do now?
Ha! This is all far fetched speculation to get a point across.

I agree with the premise of the article to inspire agents to innovate though.
Jeff, didn't one of the big banks buy a "one click application" operation? I recall being appointed with the carrier a few years ago and about a month later got a notice my appointment was cancelled as they were moving in a new direction.
Jeff, didn't one of the big banks buy a "one click application" operation? I recall being appointed with the carrier a few years ago and about a month later got a notice my appointment was cancelled as they were moving in a new direction.

Referring to HSBC?

Jeff, didn't one of the big banks buy a "one click application" operation? I recall being appointed with the carrier a few years ago and about a month later got a notice my appointment was cancelled as they were moving in a new direction.

Like Picnic said, that was probably HSBC. God I miss that product. Best non-med product our industry has seen.

There's a few instant issue products out and more coming soon.
Interesting timing on the piece from TIAA-Cref's VP of Marketing - there was another new article this week about whether Google will enter the insurance industry. Sure, automated term life maybe, but what if they use advanced telematics to get into auto insurance? The again, if everyone starts using their driverless cars down the road, who or how would they insure it?

Amazon seems to be getting into another new market every week - who's to say they won't venture into automated term life sales within a year or two?
Players like Google and Amazon and even Walmart can make a dent in the transactional sale insurance market. Term life is a commodity in some ways. Someone like G, A or WM can come in and pick up the low hanging fruit leaving the more complex cases to folks like Jeff.