Open Comments on DOL Fiduciary Regulation

By the way, NAFA is hosting a free webcast this Thursday - "The DOL Rule: Past, Present and Future," from 11:30-12:30 Eastern. Will be slanted toward how it would apply to fixed annuities.

And for more background here's a April 6 summary of what law firm DrinkerBiddle thinks about the rule's delay and likely implications:

Fiduciary Rule Delayed – But It’s Not Entirely What Was Expected

A couple of paragraphs from it:

In effect, the DOL is confirming that the new definition
of fiduciary advice and the “Best Interest” standard
of conduct (and other Impartial Conduct Standards)
will apply on and after June 9, even as it completes
its review of the Rule and decides how to proceed.
Financial institutions and advisers providing
investment recommendations related to IRAs and
ERISA-governed plans will therefore be fiduciaries
after June 9, but will be able to rely on expanded
exemptive relief for “conflicted” compensation
arrangements until January 1, 2018. This reflects a
policy decision that is somewhat different than what
many observers expected.