P & C agents - How do you track leads?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I am curious how the rest of you track your P&C leads as they come in your office. I am referring to people that have physically come by your office or called into your office for a quote. Once you give them that quote and you don't close the sale, what do you do with that lead? How do you organize it, file it, etc so that you can find it in the future and call them back at the appropriate time. Do you stay in touch with that potential client and how do you do that?

We currently use an electronic tracking program to enter all our quotes and potential clients into and simply call them back when they renew again. However, I don't find it very effective and am considering going back to a system where we keep hard copies of everything and work out of a folder system.

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. :cool:
I use 2008 ACT! and it seems to work well for prospecting and keeping track of leads. It is also cheap at $99. I have over 20,000 names in my ACT! and it is very easy to search. I populated ACT! from an a few Excel spreadsheets so I didn't manually enter all of the information. There is also some integration with Outlook and 2007 Office. It does not offer any insurance functions but does a great job at prospecting. I have used Salesforce.com, AMS 360, and some other CRM tools. For the money you can't beat ACT!. You can also customize it to meet your needs. You can add notes, attach quotes, and setup follow up items to each client/prospect.
Put their name and phone on an index card and file it behind the date in a file box when you want to call them back.

Yeah, you can't beat that method. I did that when I first started and it does work. I was looking for something more sophisticated, but why fix something if it isn't broken. I guess computer programs do a better job of searching, if you want to target potential clients that are with a particular rival carrier.
Our management system automatically pops up reminders and generates a letter for us at 7 days, 21 days, and 6 months after the initial quote and also 45days prior to the entered expiration date. Our system automatically sends unsolicited quotes out at renewal with an offer to "throw our hat in the ring" again if they are in the shopping mood. All original quote info. is scanned into their prospect file so retrieving original documents is no problem.Since installing this type of follow-up system 14 months ago our hit ratio on old leads is up dramatically. Of course we actually had "no system" before so the hit ration would have to go up !!
Our management system automatically pops up reminders and generates a letter for us at 7 days, 21 days, and 6 months after the initial quote and also 45days prior to the entered expiration date. Our system automatically sends unsolicited quotes out at renewal with an offer to "throw our hat in the ring" again if they are in the shopping mood. All original quote info. is scanned into their prospect file so retrieving original documents is no problem.Since installing this type of follow-up system 14 months ago our hit ratio on old leads is up dramatically. Of course we actually had "no system" before so the hit ration would have to go up !!

What is the name of the program that you use?