P&C For A Bank


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Has anybody on here ever done the commercial work for a bank (property, liability, bonds, etc.)? I just picked up the Workers Comp to a local bank this year and expect to take a look at the whole package next year. It is a decent sized outfit with about 18 branches in surrounding counties.

Anyone have any insight on the premium size something like this might be?
This is probably going to be decent sized. Good job bro ! As for the complete package i think it will be big but even bigger if they actually own their buildings. Depending on their reciepts and payroll you may be stairing down the barrell of a middle market account in some carriers eyes. Have fun, I know your bank account will ;)
They do indeed own their own buildings... I think some of the bonds are what could prove to be profitable (30% commission)... They run around $8.5M in payroll, the WC was about a $22K premium but I was more glad to get it for the possibility of the rest following than anything else.
The package policy is the easy part - several carriers will write banks and often have special financial institution departments that will do so (CNA, Hartford, Travelers, etc.)

The HARD part is the actual "banking" insurance - and the real meat and potatoes of the insurance premium. D&O, Banking Liability, etc.

To my knowledge, if this bank is in good standing, there are only a handful of carriers that compete in this arena. In CA at least, this carrier is Progressive. Their rates are pretty much unbeatable and most carriers - even ones listed above - won't quote against them.

Good luck, though. This will be a big win if you get it!