

This won't surprise any of you. Back in 2019, I offered my client a DI plan. It has taken him until now to make a decision to apply. However, last year or so, he received a pacemaker. As a result of experiencing some effects of vertigo recently, both of these health conditions have now created a sense of urgency to protect his income. He is 60 years of age and now he wants DI. I explained that it is highly unlikely any carrier would consider him, now that he has a pacemaker. I further explained that he would be eligible for SS Retirement in two years anyway, and any DI elimination period would further reduce this time. According to him, he is taking metoprolol and amlodipine for high blood pressure. Perhaps unbeknownst to him, both of those medications are also prescribed for heart issues.
Am I advising him correctly to "fuggetaboutit", or is there a reputable carrier that would consider him for DI (illness specifically) with his condition(s)?