Part time

Raymond McGuire

New Member
I work for the fire department so I work 1 day on and 2 days off. I was thinking about getting my P&C license and sell on my days off. Do anyone think this is doable selling part time?
Of course it's doable. How you fare at it is entirely up to you.

You're going to have to take classes and take a test to get licensed. You'll probably have to pass some sort of background check. Once licensed, there are continuing education requirements.

You can get additional information from the LA Dept of Ins website:

Prelicensing Education Information

As a part timer you may have to write your business through an established agency with some sort of a commission split.
I started part-time myself... Doable yep... but hard! Be prepared for it to take 4 times longer than a full-time person, so you have to work 8 times smarter. Fortunately, in your particular job, I think you have a really great opportunity to give it a go. Like Jack said, reaching out to a few agencies locally, seeing what their appetite is for a part-time producer (probably commission only) may be a great way to start.