Pelosi in Pain


5000 Post Club
As discussed last week, this is going to be a great week for people who like the sight of Mrs. Pelosi in pain and here we are.

If the bill goes down that is total pain for her. However, if the bill passes they will rejoice for a couple days about like a soldier who has just been given permission to go the front lines. Passing a bill out of the Senate is long, long way from dealing with all of the amendments, reconciliatons with the House, the backlash that comes with it etc. Perhaps she can stick her cosmetically-altered nose up in the air again and tell us how she doesnt even need any Republicans to get a bill passed and signed. Err....okay........but you do need some Democrats sweetness.

I am feeling the love.

Pelosi still dealing as vote nears - Yahoo! News
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I could care less if it passes the House. The Senate is going to tear it to shreds.

Right but indeed it is better than that. They are going to tear each other's bills to shreds in conference and reconciliation. Intra-tribal warfare at its finest. The house bill has public option and so does the senate now. So if both join on that then they have bitten off a huge fight with the rest of America. However, if one tries to move it out then they have to fight the house of Congress along with their various parties and party factions. And then abortion, and immigrants.......Damned if they agree and damned if they don't. What's not to love?

Keep in mind that that bill which you say the Senate will tear to shreds still must eventually go back to the House to be passed at least in some agreed upon form and versa vice for their bill in the Senate, hence the reconciliation, not to be confused with budget reconciliation 50 votes etc. Not a trick that the viewing audience should try at home.

"I belong to no organized political party. I am a Democrat."

--Woody Guthrie
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And this is where all the left loons bet wrong. Their mistake was that Obama got elected by people who were as whacked out left as they were. Wrong. Obama got elected because he wasn't McCain.

Dems in the House and Senate are far more conservative than lefties believe.
If the Republicans would have put up a younger and more progressive candidate he'd have cleaned Obama's clock. Of course "progressive" and "Republican" are seldom found in the same sentence.
I disagree. This is all about spin. If Pelosi passes this bill in the house, it's a huge feather in her cap, she'll get to keep her job for another 2 years. You have to realize that she is not liberal enough (not even close) for the district she represents.

Problem is, she doesn't have the votes to pass it. I don't know who is doing the math in the house, but even if about half of the dems who said they won't vote for this don't vote for it, it won't get through. This should tell you something.

Now, that usually means arm twisting, a few earmarks, etc. Problem is, this is one bill EVERYONE is watching the cost on. It was about $900M, now $1.3T, and if it doesn't hit $1.7B, she won't be able to buy enough votes to pass it. Of course, at that price, people will pass out before they press the 'Yes, of course I vote for this' button.

So, in the next few hours, you will hear how, to be fair and to get it right, the vote will be delayed until next week. Pelosi can't afford to not have this pass on the first vote through, so her leftenents are out getting vote counts in blood. Unfortunately, every vote is critical, so except for the new guys (John Garamendi from California, just sworn in, already committed to voting for this as price of admission), everyone is looking for handouts to get the vote.

Also, timing is terrible. Announced today is unemployment topped 10.2%. So, everyone who voted for the stimulus to prevent unemployement from topping 8% is having a problem. It took to long to really get by with blaming Bush (though they will).

Also, the Press isn't helping on the credibility front. The 'jobs saved' numbers have become a laughing stock, with reports everyday on how the numbers simply don't add up. The press is not accepting things at face value anymore, but they are doing it after the fact, which means that stuff voted on today will get talked about next year, during their campaigns. Ugly.

John, you are so right. Krauthammer nails it once again:

I read it.
I don't regret it. "The democratic debacle of 2009."
A shame really. Too much attempted to soon. And, in regrads to the health insurance ... opps, I mean reform issue attempted on the basis of a lie. I wonder if they had been legitiment about reform and getting costs down instead of opting for a power grab, if the realized cost containment measures and the electorate's gratitude would have off set the loss in popularity that would have occured with the trial lawyer lobby and the undocumented?
You blew it Barry.
I disagree. This is all about spin. If Pelosi passes this bill in the house, it's a huge feather in her cap, she'll get to keep her job for another 2 years. You have to realize that she is not liberal enough (not even close) for the district she represents.


Oh this may be all about Pelosi for Pelosi but I have not personalized it enough yet so that it is all about Pelosi for me. If she wants to sit there looking hot but none of her bills are enacted into law that is fine with me. Harry Reid can also do whatever he wants. He will have plenty of time to rest up next year after the elections.
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If the Republicans would have put up a younger and more progressive candidate he'd have cleaned Obama's clock. Of course "progressive" and "Republican" are seldom found in the same sentence.

I am not on board with that analysis yet although it has merit. The great dilemma in the republican party is trying to figure out whether to swing to the left, to the right or to the middle to gain ground. Problem is when you swing in one direction, people fall out over on the other wing.

McCain hugged the middle and tried to be the lowest common denominator. Didn't work Plus his age and the atmospherics following the Bush years were against him.

The conservative wing fell out becase the republicn party is trying to become hip and progressive and look like moderate democrats.

Krauthammer on the other is not advocating that it become progressive. He instead is arguing that the country was always center-right and it is okay to be conservative again.

This is the great dilemma facing the republican party. Maybe there is no answer. The dems have become socialists.Progressive republicans have filled the space previously occupied by moderate dems, and perhpas the conservatives will just need to have a conservative party. The dems are fracturing up too. People forget that Obama is the only thing they have going for them. It is a mess for them too and no leaders whatsoever below Obama.
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