Pendulum Swing Coming


5000 Post Club
The last two weeks have been good for public option advocates. The week coming up will be so-so. The dems have gotten their little baby out the birth canal but can't get it to breath on its own yet. Let em hand out cigars for another day or two. Sooner or later the focus will be on whether the baby lives or not, duh.

Next week and the week after will be a lot of fun if you like to see Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi suffer and I certainly do. So don't spend next week planning what your commissions are going to be under the public option as some did this past week. The little after-glow that goes with the Senate bill will last at least another 4-5 days. Don't count on anything longer than that. Personally I think even another two days would be stretching it.

Here is a little piece of dynamite that will make Congress and the public start to go hmmmmmmmmm in the middle of the night.

After all the fuss, public health plan covers few - Yahoo! News

Of course Pelosi starts lying when she is under pressure as we have seen before in regard to the CIA so most likely she will come up with a few self-inflicted wounds in the next couple weeks.

And........if might I be so perspicacious as to add that if the dems take a shellacking in New Jersey and Virginia there could be some born-again tent meetings among the dems who suddenly get fiscal religion.

I am just beginning to feel the love. If you guys want to talk public option that is fine but don't forget to feel the love along the way because there is plenty of it coming.

Yes we can.

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From the article:

"It has sucked all the oxygen out of the room and diverted attention from bread-and-butter consumer issues, such as affordable coverage and comprehensive benefits."


The two biggest issues here are access and cost. And of those two, by far the biggest problem is cost. The Democrats and the press have been so busy attacking the evil insurance companies that they have failed to notice one tiny little thing: Insurance premium increases have virtually mirrored health care cost increases. In other words, you can't just cut premiums out of thin air.

These people are so busy playing politics and finding boogiemen that they're missing the big picture. Whether the insurance company is writing the check, or the government is writing the check, we have to find a way to make the bill smaller.

This is what you get when you let politicians "fix" big problems. Public option or not, this thing is gonna be a mess.