Perfect Demographic for Annuity Sell


New Member
hey everyone, 1st time post here for me. THis forum is great!

Anyways i wanted to know what demographics people use to make that annuity sell? What is the best? Thanks
HAHA that would be nice, but its hard to target the IQ
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How about people age 55-65. Homeowners..... anything else i could do to narrow it down?
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Actually, the IQ is easy to target. Buy lists of people who enter sweepstakes.

Tell them they've won a free ride in a new car. Rent one with a big trunk so you can get husband and wife at the same time.
Like "pad" said the IQ is really easy----you would have so many prospects you couldn't get to them all in 100 years. The financial aspect could present a problem and you wouild have to cull your list.
Hang out at the local corner store and see who buys lottery tickets. Look for the middle class guy or gal.
Stand outside of banks and ask folks if they would like to get 8% compounded, guaranteed on their CD money. No brainer!
Insuranceexec wins the door prize. He will be allowed to sit through 5 "safe asset" seminars and can invest up to 100,000 in the 8% phantom annuity and get a below market rate payout, but the account does compound at 8% guaranteed, what a deal.