Prospecting/Seminars at Apartment Buildings


100+ Post Club
Several years ago, I had much success doing seminars at low income senior apartment buildings, selling dual eligible Med Adv plans. I am now selling mostly MedSup plans. I am thinking of trying to do seminars/presentations for Med Sup plans at apartment buildings that cater to moderate income level seniors. My questions here are if anyone else has done them, how has their success been, what hurdles are there, suggestions if good/bad idea, etc. It seems prospecting this way could be an extremely efficient manner to get in front of many potential clients. Thanks for any and all input.
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Several years ago, I had much success doing seminars at low income senior apartment buildings, selling dual eligible Med Adv plans. I am now selling mostly MedSup plans. I am thinking of trying to do seminars/presentations for Med Sup plans at apartment buildings that cater to moderate income level seniors. My questions here are if anyone else has done them, how has their success been, what hurdles are there, suggestions if good/bad idea, etc. It seems prospecting this way could be an extremely efficient manner to get in front of many potential clients. Thanks for any and all input.

I have done numerous seminars to seniors, senior centers, churches and senior apt complexes.

You have to make it informative, educational and entertaining, definitely not "sales like". If you pass out "party favors" it helps keep their attention. I use a Swiss type Army knife with my name and phone number engraved on the handle. They only cost a couple of bucks. It has scissors and a tweezer, corkscrew, screw driver, etc. The women love it.

Humor is a must to hold their attention.

I usually sell a few as a result but not as many as one may think.
I've done a few of these. I also know others who this is their main prospecting method. Personally I've never had success, but, I do know enough agents that have very good success to know that it's something I'm not doing right. Just haven't figured out what that is. I try to limit how long I talk to about 15-20 mins. I can feel the people losing interest with anything longer. I almost always have several people come to me afterwards thanking me for the info, but, when it comes time to get their contact info, or, book an appt to sit with them and go over their situation, I lose them. Not sure if I give too much info and they feel like there's no reason to meet or what. What I really need to do is have an agent that is successful with them critique me after one. There certainly is enough opportunity where I live.
What you really need to do is go watch a successful agent. I would do that before having someone critique me. That might be step #2.
What you really need to do is go watch a successful agent. I would do that before having someone critique me. That might be step #2.

Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I stopped doing these meetings a couple years ago, because, I wasn't seeing anything come out of them. But, I do see the potential if I could figure out how to make it work.

Anyone decent at these in Florida want to offer to allow me to come observe?
I do about 20 a year. I have a guy set them up and I go and and educate. People that want to meet with me and I go to their homes and sell them.

I just want more seminars. I have only had them at Sr centers. i want in churches and other places. Anyone know how to get into other places?
I do about 20 a year. I have a guy set them up and I go and and educate. People that want to meet with me and I go to their homes and sell them.

I just want more seminars. I have only had them at Sr centers. i want in churches and other places. Anyone know how to get into other places?

Here in Florida they're pretty easy to set up. We have TONS of mobile home parks that have meetings about every night of the week. Just talk to whoever the director is. Also, with churches, I've found the contact person is the pastor. Especially if it's a smaller size church. If there is someone else that handles different events like that they can tell you who it is anyways. Try different lodges and clubs. American Legion, VFW, Moose, Elks, Odd Fellows, Shriners, etc. There are tons of fraternal organizations like that out there. You'll want to go to the club, as for the either "president" (find out before you go what title they use for him/her) or club secretary (same is true about title). You don't want to go to American Legion post not knowing they call them the Commander and Adjutant.