Prospective Customer Sheets

SJ Guidry

New Member
Hey everyone I will be a startup independent in the near future so I am working on putting together all the forms to help gather all the info I need to quote out auto, home and so forth. Does anyone have a stock form(s) that would cover all the important data needed for each type of insurance on the PC side? I would hate to reinvent the wheel when a best wheel is already available. Thanks!!
Ya, it's called Acord Applications. Don't bother doing duplicate work.

I disagree with this 100%. When I was in personal lines, I found it super helpful to use these sheets when I was out at meetings, picnics, etc...

Nobody in their right mind carries acord apps around 24/7. I always had a one page info sheet to fill out with someone on the spot. If someone wanted a quote, I got the info right then, not when I got back to my office to fill out an acord form.
Thanks for the thought ... by chance do you have a sample available that I can use so that I am capturing all the basic info I need to quote?

Hi yes I am new to the PC side my experience is in the health side of the business. I am lucky I have a close friend working for another company who will mentor me once I open operations I was just doing the homework to have all the tools I need at my disposal. I appreciate the advice ....