

New Member
Is there a company that will insure a quadriplegic? Don't want speculators. Has anybody submitted a one stop application to a bunch of companies and got it approved? Which company?
Re: Quadriplegic...

Might help if we knew what kind of coverage.

Life, health, accident, auto, homeowners . . .
are you an agent or a family member? Who have you tried so far?

Because of the condition I doubt you will find a general answer to your question. Mainly because a carrier would look at this situation case by case. My first suggestion would be go to a high risk brokerage and provide the details and let them search.
are you an agent or a family member? Who have you tried so far?

Because of the condition I doubt you will find a general answer to your question. Mainly because a carrier would look at this situation case by case. My first suggestion would be go to a high risk brokerage and provide the details and let them search.

I'm an agent. I called crump and they really didn't have an answer. They're a one stop place that will shop all companies for me, but they have no idea if this can get issued or not.

I'm just curious if theres any agent that has ever applied for a quadri and got them issued.

Client was hit by a car ten years ago and has been this way ever since. Per client no health issues. I would just like to know who to submit this to.

I'm thinking genworth MIGHT issue this person a permanent policy for final expenses at a high risk rate but I'm not sure.

Patty Longmire
Impaired Risk Underwriter

Tennessee Brokerage Agency
P.O Box 11767
Knoxville, TN 37939
(6508 Baum Drive -- 37919)
Phone - (865)588-9555,
865-588-9591 (ext. 13)
Fax - (865)588-9577
Website -

As far as the health issues the client has none as far as a quad goes.... I have a home health agencey as a client. Lifetimes are cut very short in these situations. It is going to depend on individual medical history and projections.

Try Patti and do a pre application with them. I wish you luck, but I don't think your chances are that great.