Question About Debit Balances.

Hello, I have an agent who I was his up line and basically buried me thousands of dollars in debt.does anyone know or had a previous experience getting an attorney involved in order to get a garnishment on him. He is not involved in insurance know.

Thank you
It's a debt like any other debt. Depending on the amount you can go to small claims or perhaps big boy court. I won a judgement five years ago but haven't been able to collect a dime on it yet.
Try to find out where he is now employed. Maybe you can find out on linkedin or one of the other networks, then contact him and tell him that unless he starts making arrangements with the carrier that you have no alternative but to let his employer be aware of this debt incurred in prior employment and that you will attempt to have his wages garnished if you are forced to pay his's a real long shot approach but that may get him to move his ass. Just a suggestion.
Try to find out where he is now employed. Maybe you can find out on linkedin or one of the other networks, then contact him and tell him that unless he starts making arrangements with the carrier that you have no alternative but to let his employer be aware of this debt incurred in prior employment and that you will attempt to have his wages garnished if you are forced to pay his's a real long shot approach but that may get him to move his ass. Just a suggestion.

Why not just go through the proper channels of getting a judgement and garnishment?

If you manage to hurt their current gainful employment it might make it harder to collect.
Did you do your due diligence before you hired him?

If not, STFU.

Sorry can't totally agree, the agent is responsible for the business they write it is sad that an up line gets snowed under for it.

But up lines better understand it is clear in their contract the risk unlike the not being able to rue contract without six months non production.
Sorry can't totally agree, the agent is responsible for the business they write it is sad that an up line gets snowed under for it.

But up lines better understand it is clear in their contract the risk unlike the not being able to rue contract without six months non production.

I agree and disagree. A person is responsible for their own actions but when an IMO contracts agents with debit balances or bankruptcies and then has that same agent stick them with a bill then I have no symphony for that IMO.
I agree and disagree. A person is responsible for their own actions but when an IMO contracts agents with debit balances or bankruptcies and then has that same agent stick them with a bill then I have no symphony for that IMO.

I see your point in that situation the recruiter should either pass on the agent or require they go as earned.