Question About Getting Appointed

Hey Everyone,

I have a question regarding appointments. I am looking to get my P&C License soon but I don't know how to go about becoming appointed with the major carriers. I am looking to stay independent. Are there P&C GA's like there is for health to get all my contracts?

How would I go about becoming appointed and staying independent at the same time learn the business?

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I am in Pennsylvania by the way
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Being new, you won't get appointed directly with most carriers.

First thing, decide what type of business you want to focus on. Define your target market, have a marketing plan, then you can decide what you'll need to do for appointments. This is a bit circular, you'll have to make some adjustments to your market depending on what markets you can write business for.

Then contact SAIS (Superior Access) or Insurance Noodle, start with them, and as you write, start working on some direct appointments.

That's about it.

Also, search the forum. This same question gets asked almost weekly.

You will not have much luck getting preferred contracts. Non-Standard companeis are about the only ones you can get as a startup and they are not slam dunks.

Try Insurance Noodle, Superior Access, SIAA, Agent Secure, Smart Choice ETC. There may also be some good aggregators in your area. I'm not familiear with PA but there are usually several around if you look.

I wasted many hours even meeting reps to get appointed .Impossible for like Safeco, Travelers.Small local companies give you more chances. Ptogressive was not hard either.You can write Progressive with me and get 100% of commission I get. I work with an independent agency. You may do the same.Email me @ [email protected] for details.
I think that this is the reason that it's hard for some to stay motivated, but if you stick with it, you can really get somethign going. Now, I have some great appointments, it just took many years !
Doesn't insurance noodle take at least a day to get a quote back?

sometimes 2-3 days for BOP.That's why I started with an agency.New agent should sell as many as they can to build up confidence and stay motivated.Ther are agencies that give you good percentage commission.It takes time to find them.They have to grow their books too to keep their commitments to carriers.
sometimes 2-3 days for BOP.That's why I started with an agency.New agent should sell as many as they can to build up confidence and stay motivated.Ther are agencies that give you good percentage commission.It takes time to find them.They have to grow their books too to keep their commitments to carriers.

There are a lot of advantages to working with an agency. If I was a new agent, I'd consider going that route instead of going with someone lke insurance noodle because you can often build a book of business with the agency, receive bonuses, and have a much more personal relationship. Starting your own shop can be really tough these days, especially with the difficulty in obtaining appointments. I've talked to quite a few new agents lately, and think that bringing on independent producers can be good for our agency and for the agent.