Question to the FE Pros and Gurus



I'm new to the FE area. Today I met a guy that sells med sups and he told me that he has trained guys where they bring a laptop into the home and the clients watch a presentation on the laptop and bam.. Does this exist for FE and is it appropriate? I know some guys dont bother with a laptop . I want to bring one in the home as it shows I am a professional. Any thoughts on whose software presentation is best and why? or why not.. thanks for your help. I know I sure need help ( I do have scripts to follow from my IMO,. Insurance Wholesalers and they dont consider this approach )
I'm neither a pro nor a guru, but I have been in a lot of homes over the last few years for MAPD and FE. In some of the homes and neighborhoods/projects I've been to, I know the laptop wouldn't leave with me.

Anybody with powerpoint should be able to put together a pretty good presentation.

Good luck!
I'm new to the FE area. Today I met a guy that sells med sups and he told me that he has trained guys where they bring a laptop into the home and the clients watch a presentation on the laptop and bam.. Does this exist for FE and is it appropriate? I know some guys dont bother with a laptop . I want to bring one in the home as it shows I am a professional. Any thoughts on whose software presentation is best and why? or why not.. thanks for your help. I know I sure need help ( I do have scripts to follow from my IMO,. Insurance Wholesalers and they dont consider this approach )

I used to put together Powerpoints and professional on-screen presentations for a Fortune 500 company and then in government work all the time. The impact was great when I would "Wow" an audience and then go into the delivery of material. This was for crowds of 30 to 500.

However, having been in thousands of homes with seniors now, I believe that the technology would put more psychological distance between me and the client. It would separate me further from them and not bring me closer to them. My presentation is VERY simple, and I learned it from professionals in this industry. The old adage "Keep it simple, stupid" really applies here, as you are not there to "wow" them but to serve them.

I would not want a senior to think, "Wow, this guy is great with his fancy laptop, but there's no way he understands MY situation." Most of the houses I have been in for final expense do not have a computer. Now, if I was delivering a comparison and analysis of multiple LTC programs available to them or explaining an equity-indexed universal life policy to them, that might be a different story as to their accepting the vehicle I'm using to communicate a complicated concept.

When they "get it" that you are there to serve them and to help fill a need, you have the sale. There is no amount of on screen animation, presentation, or dazzling required in order to gain their trust and have them see that you have a heart to help them. That comes across from you. The laptop would pull away from you and focus more on the technology piece. I don't want them to have a relationship with me based on my grasp of technology. I want it to be based on trusting me. That's where my referrals come from.

Just my two cents, but I think it could very easily become a crutch and an excuse to not polish up on listening skills and the interpersonal skills needed to articulate exactly what the need is in their individual case and find a way to solve it that they can afford.

.. just one man's opinion.
I was thinking the same thing.....It alienates you from the type of client that you are targeting because it is usually quite different from the average Med. Sup prospect. As not to be NEGATIVE this week, I would put this positive spin on answering the original question:
If I were to try it I would do the preso myself with Powerpoint and a couple simple charts/graphs.
Show the rising costs of funerals, some of the pitfalls of prepayments.......then fill in beneficiary's name right on the computer so they can visualize the check the benny will get.
KISS method is definately key with FE. You have to sympathize with the clients situation.....find the need, fill it. Emotional close is key, that also makes the computer tough to fit in :(
You are right on Daytona! They make flip chart presentations if you think you need a visual to keep there attention. People need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel, this is not rocket science. There is no magic bullet. Know your products lead with your heart show you care do the right thing, write an app!