QuoteFishing.com - Feedback?


New Member
I was hoping some members here might be interested in reviewing a new insurance lead site that we've been developing. We could use the feedback of other industry professionals as we put the final revisions to the program.

We currently have two services in place, a lead program and directory listing service. Is there any other service that you think would make the site better?


You input is much appreciated,
Thanks for the reply. I uploaded a flyer that you can download here for more details:

quotefishing.com / content / files / SellSheet.pdf
(Add http :// to link and remove spaces)

There is more info on the registration page here:

quotefishing.com / register
(Add http :// to link and remove spaces)

Look forward to your review. I noticed you submitted a health form. Was it user-friendly for you?


What chumps said. What key word searches do you use? How are the leads generated? how many agents share the leads? Any discounts for bulk? Filters?
What chumps said. What key word searches do you use? How are the leads generated? how many agents share the leads? Any discounts for bulk? Filters?

Our current system allows agents to choose the zipcodes that they are geographically located to meet and close prospective clients, and in regions where they are licensed to do insurance business or are rate competitive. Our agent administrative section allows agents to add, edit or remove themselves from zipcodes and lines of business, to tailor and adjust their marketing efforts.

We currently do not have a filtering system that would allow you to only receive commercial or work comp prospective clients by SIC code. From our research and meetings with various agents that specialize in the business insurance sector we have found that they are interested in closing all classes of business insurance. At this time this is not something we have integrated into our agent prospect selection configuration, but may be considered should the interest by agents increase.

Our prospects our currently being generated through traditional search engine marketing, internet marketing efforts, consumer blogs, consumer & business prospect mailers, sponsorship efforts and also traditional prospecting methods agent's currently utilize. We plan on broadening these efforts by creatively creating hybrids of the list above to strengthen consumer interests.

Our site currently only reflects about 1/5 of what we plan on incorporating in our efforts to help agents with the wide range of interests they want delivered in an optimal lead company. We will be launching all of this within the next few months.

http :// quotefishing.com
