Recording Calls


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Anyone know an inexpensive way to record calls my guys are making working remote?

I'm using Callfire now, about to switch to Mojo- I've got a telemarketer working and I can listen to the calls he makes from the dialer, but not his follow up calls, which I'd like to have.

Also, I'm about to hire an agent to work some of the leads my telemarketer is generating and I want to be able to listen in and train her, plus have the calls recorded for liability purposes. Hers will be manually dialed outgoing calls.

Ideally, I'd like a VOIP type of service I could own and they could use from any computer and I could access/monitor/pay for.

Is there anything like that out there?
You should check with Cory at I believe their service will record the f/u calls as well. Not sure if that would be the solution for the agents doing the f/u calls, but some folks will use Skype to record the calls. A bit more involved, but probably as close as you'll get.
I have my remote people use Skype for outbound calling.
This way, they can use Callgraph, which is the best.
Callgraph records both sides of the conversation in stereo - the caller in one ear, the other caller in the other ear. It works great when trying to determine who said what when playing back the recording.

Plus, Callgraph creates a time and date stamped filename and file with the recording as an MP3 file with a small footprint.

What I do is change the configuration on Callgraph to save the audio files into a (free) Dropbox directory that I share with the worker.

They have the same Dropbox directory on their computer, then, as I have on my computer (one shared directory per worker). The files sync in real time and you can be notified with a small pop-up on your desktop when it happens.

So I'm only about 3 to 5 minutes behind in being able to listen to their calls that just happened and saved to the directory. Plus, you can see when they started making calls and when they stopped making calls.

It works great, but again, only for using Skype.

Anyone know an inexpensive way to record calls my guys are making working remote?
isnt recording a call illegal if the other party doesnt know about it?
Depends on the state. Many states are one-party consent which means you can do it, but it's a good idea to check.
yes, it totally depends on the state! some states are perfectly fine with it. however, in some states, not only is it illegal, but it is also a felony (e.g. florida) to record someone without their knowledge.

furthermore, even if it is legal in your state to secretly record calls, that doesn't necessarily mean you can use it as evidence in court.
The irony is, even if you are in a one party consent state, it is not legal to record employee conversations without their consent. The one party consent has to be a party involved in the call or perhaps someone who would naturally overhear the call.

This means if the employee is in an office (or you are), you better make sure you have their consent to record their phone calls.

Hi Shepnerd,

I know its a little late, as I believe I saw a post from back from May 2010, but I saw that you were interested in a voip solution that could also manage call recordings and perhaps have remote call monitoring capabilities. We are actually an SMB voip provider (HQ'd in Atlanta), and we can do ALL of those things! Our new mobile app even allows you to monitor you call queues & extensions from your smartphone.

Visit or (our insurance specific microsite) for more info & a couple video testimonials from a Farmers & State Farm Agent, and perhaps we can help you out with some communication needs in the future!

(Yes you can also find us on Twitter, Facebook & Google+) :)

Community Manager
Vocalocity, Inc.
You should check with Cory at I believe their service will record the f/u calls as well. Not sure if that would be the solution for the agents doing the f/u calls, but some folks will use Skype to record the calls. A bit more involved, but probably as close as you'll get.
Do you have any feedback on the usability of SalesDialers? Does it work? Is it easy to use?
Do you have any feedback on the usability of SalesDialers? Does it work? Is it easy to use?

I have tons of feedback on SalesDialers. It's very easy to work with and the training they provide on it is awesome. They do webinars every day at 2pm EST on the system and do 1 on 1 trainings with new folks when they get started on top of the technical support.