Republicans Enter the Trap


5000 Post Club
Obama lost most of his reform plan on the Senate and House floor. So, he asked the Republicans if they would like to give him another chance at bat so that he can make his case before the public as to why certain elements need to be passed through reconciliation.

The Republicans said "Yes, we would like to do that. Tell us where and when to show up."

Health insurance is now a public utility and the regulations are on their way. It is done.
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it wasn't a trap for the repubs.
the repubs had nothing to lose by attending.
it's the dems that didn't want to be there.
it's the dems that didn't want to be there.


When they start to ram stuff through reconciliation and the repubilcans claim that- in the last year- there was a lack of transparency, no bipartisan inclusion, no public notice of the plan posted on the website, and no broadcast of discussions on TV as promised, guess what Obama is going to say.
They don't have the votes in the House. Too close to call, but probably not enough in the Senate either.

Reform is DOA.
They don't have the votes in the House. Too close to call, but probably not enough in the Senate either.

Reform is DOA.

"Reform" covers a lot of turf.

Obamacare the Giant is dead.

Piecemeal reform is well under way.
Only if ego's are set aside. Even Newt was suggesting moving slowly in pieces. Obama rejected that during the non-beer summit today.

I am not sure the votes are there to even get something passed a little at a time.

Early on, the carriers were in favor. Then Obama & Pelosi through them under the bus. Not smart.

I don't think they are going to get anything meaningful passed.

When they start to ram stuff through reconciliation and the repubilcans claim that- in the last year- there was a lack of transparency, no bipartisan inclusion, no public notice of the plan posted on the website, and no broadcast of discussions on TV as promised, guess what Obama is going to say.

a) the repubs did the right thing by making a big stink about the idea of reconciliation within the first 5 minutes. harry reid got all flustered and insisted that neither he nor nancy p. were talking about reconciliation. essentially, harry said b4 the entire summit, on cspan, before the entire country, that he was not planning on doing reconciliation.

b) they won't do reconciliation int he senate because they don't have the votes to get any meaningful bill passed in the house. there are not enough democrat votes to get any significant healthcare legislation passed in the house. (at least nothing that could have a small chance of getting passed with 50 votes in the senate).

it is doa.

i think potus set up the summit just to try to increase his own poll numbers, not try to get anything passed.
Only if ego's are set aside. Even Newt was suggesting moving slowly in pieces. Obama rejected that during the non-beer summit today.

I am not sure the votes are there to even get something passed a little at a time.

I don't think they are going to get anything meaningful passed.

And so health reform in this country just goes away?

Not so.

Starting last summer we entered a period where there will be some health reform proposal before Congress every session for the rest of your life. Not all will pass but health insurance is solidly under federal jurisdiction now. What still resides with the states is only by federal permission, not right. Congress can and will usurp much of it soon. There will be an illusion of free market but it will be regulated to the hilt. Thus, a federally regulated utility.

Of course, as noted in previous discussions, if some people's time horizon is only this session or the next couple months then that is another matter. I am saying each and every year from here on out will show changes. Think we are going to end 2010 with no reform of any kind? Not so. And from there the feds will just encroach their way to single payer or something. that is so highly regulated that it might as well be.
And, I predict that killer African bees will reach Oklahoma at some point.

There is a 99.9% mathematical certainty that this will occur sometime in the next 1,000 millennia (sp?... magaritas... how do you spell millennia?)