Saturday Doorknockin!

Lowcountry 42

I've got about 40 DM leads in the same area that I can't get the people to answer the phone and I've been by the houses at least twice so as a last resort I'm gonna go doorknock them this Saturday.

I figure I can start knocking around 10am and go till dark. Do any of y'all cold knock on Saturdays?
We hit the doors on Sat as a last day chance to contact someone from a New Lead... Some folks work during the week or have an active retirement lifestyle... As mentioned on a different Forum Post, I can only work 3 days a week in the field because I drive 2 hours to where my leads are..

I DK each lead 3 times and on the 3rd try, usually on Sat, I leave the little Delivery Notice... They almost ALL call when they get that!!!
Not during football season. That would be sacrilegious.

Some of the best times to door knock is during football season. Door knock on Saturdays that your local team is playing on the road. Everyone will be home watching the TV. You can watch football and make sales at the same time.
Working Saturdays is like a love hate relationship. Meaning, I always would have a great day like $1500 plus in AP or...blank!! Come home with sales and it's worth it. Come home with nothing and you're cursing up a storm!

I don't think I'm going to try and set any Sat. appointments, I'm going to map about 30 addresses onto the ole garmin, pack a lunch and knock till I run out of daylight.:yes:

This is a strange game, some days I book appointments and it seems like they all say yes or some days with appointments booked the only sales come from random doorknocks.:idea:

There doesn't appear to be a logical scheme to apply, I just have to constantly be in motion.