Schaefer Financial


100+ Post Club
Just wanted to post some feedback for anyone that might be looking for an IMO/FMO for life and annuities. I stumbled upon Scott at Schaefer Financial on this board maybe a week or so ago, and I am THANKFUL that I did.

Maybe you insurance guys are more friendly and easier to work with than broker/dealers and other vendors on the securities side, but Scott is the man.

If he says he's going to call you back or get you info, you can take that to the bank. And they seem to do business "the right way." The type of firm that is successful because they take care of their agents/advisors, and not because of fine print contracts and other nonsense.

Anyway, I've gotten a lot of help on this board the last few weeks from a lot of anonymous poster (which I'm grateful for). But I've gotten a ton of help from Scott and Schaefer Financial and wanted to share my experience if it's helpful for others.

Ok, rant off.

(Thanks Scott!)
Just bent over backwards to help me. Modified their normal agreement to accomodate a product I absolutely must have an appointment for in order for my business plan to work.

Gave me a blanket pre-release authorization (speaks volumes about how they do business).

Very responsive service. Calls/emails when they say they are going to.

If it sounds like a plug that's good, because that's what it was meant to be. If you've never been on the securities side of things, you have no idea how refreshing it is to work with people like that, instead of b/d antics and non-competes and other complete bullshit.

And by "plug" I mean I wanted to share my experience. I hope they do get some business (or at least consideration) out of my testimonial, they deserve it. However, I was not asked to post this (heck, I wasn't even asked for referrals), I am not compensated for posting it, and I'm not looking for a referral fee from them (in fact, I need to remain anonymous on this board due to securities regulations and b/d social media policies, I wouldn't be willing to share my real info to collect a referral fee anyway).

I appreciate good companies, and wish they were easier to find, that's all. If this is out of line, I will delete it.
You feel you can bank on them after 1 week of experience?

The blanket pre-release does sound good.
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You feel you can bank on them after 1 week of experience?

The blanket pre-release does sound good.

In the past 6 weeks, I've talked to about a dozen broker/dealers, a couple RIAs, maybe a half dozen IMO/FMOs, a half dozen insurers that go direct, and probably 20+ agents and financial advisors. Pretty much spent 8 hours a day for the last 6 weeks doing nothing but talking/researching/planning my move.

For a group to stand out to me over that time period, really says something.

And yes, I was floored by the blanket pre-release. It applies to all carriers, for any reason (or not reason), at any time. That's confidence.

Gonna go catch up on a few threads here. If I am offending anyone by posting this, I will certainly take it down, as it wasn't my intention to make it advertising/spam. Just positive feedback.

And again, for everyone else that has PM'd me, or responded to my threads asking 58 different questions, I really do appreciate all of the help.