Seeking Advice - Healthcare in NYC

John bellow

New Member
Hi all. Hoping someone can advise me about my situation. I recently quit my job and my medical coverage ended on that date (the 1st of July). Today, I’m experiencing some intense kidney pains and I feel like I need to go to an UrgentCare. I’m gonna have to go without coverage.

For the sake of the future, can anyone advise me about the best course of action? I know that Cobra is an option, but I haven’t explored it yet. They sent me some paperwork two weeks ago but I threw it away. Is there a better way?

Thanks :)
COBRA is definitely an option. You might also look into getting an ACA/Obamacare plan. Really depends on costs vs benefits. I've been told that you'll still be able to keep your doctor and ALSO request an X-large coke....YMMW.