Anyone ever use ( thats the actual website ). I am interested in getting FE pre set appts from them. They have been around awhile and the price is right. If they produce near what is reasonable then the ROI makes sense. But they dont offer the script ( at least not in writing ) which makes me a bit leary of "how" they get you in the door ( that does matter to me as I dont want anything unethical ). Althought they do tell you on the phone what they say.
I recognize that the best appts are those that you set yourself but that aside I would love to hear from anyone that has used this outfit for pre sets ? I know many that have used pre sets and its worked. Any input would be appreciated.
I recognize that the best appts are those that you set yourself but that aside I would love to hear from anyone that has used this outfit for pre sets ? I know many that have used pre sets and its worked. Any input would be appreciated.