Senior Membership Group Seeks Agency to Refer MedAdv/Supp/PartD Clients


We own a rapidly growing 65+ senior referral network operating in many different verticals. We left insurance years ago but now there's big opportunity here again for our group.

Open enrollment snuck up on us, now we have members looking for help finding insurance and we haven't covered this vertical yet! Please reach out if you own or represent an agency that can write a wide variety of MedAdv/ Part D/ Supp Plans across as many states as possible. We will send you per-qualified buyers only, in good volume, and in return expect a nice payout on a cost-per-acquisition or revenue share structure. We will do as much of the heavy lifting as you allow us to do on our (non-licensed agency) end, as long as you can do the right thing ethically when it does come time to speak with the client and write the best policy for their needs.

Please reach out to [email protected]. We are also looking for final expense