Simple IRA Prospecting


New Member
I found out that for the most part many SIMPLE IRA's can have an inservice distribution as I am working on some rollovers with clients. I am wondering however, how do you find companies that use SIMPLE IRA's. I have used freeerisa to find 401k plans but cannot find anything for finding SIMPLE IRA companies or prospects.
I cant tell you how to find the specific company;s nut i can tell you that you can do the same thing with 401k. It all depends on ghow the 401k was set up. Some allow inservice some do not.
I know that BHC marketing offers some training and help prospecting for this. I havent worked that program with them but i have worked others and have been very happy with them.
I think its called "the hidden trap door for 401k's" that BHC teaches.
Either way Good luck
I cant tell you how to find the specific company;s nut i can tell you that you can do the same thing with 401k. It all depends on ghow the 401k was set up. Some allow inservice some do not.
I know that BHC marketing offers some training and help prospecting for this. I havent worked that program with them but i have worked others and have been very happy with them.
I think its called "the hidden trap door for 401k's" that BHC teaches.
Either way Good luck
Harry, actually it is called TAP (Transferring Assets Program) now. We have agents that are doing well in this program, although it requires patience and determination as it has a longer sales cycle. Glad to hear you are happy with BHC, we appreciate your business.
Can you tell me more about the program, I looked at the site a little bit and also like the GPS program. However, I am captive with New York Life, is that a problem for either of the programs?
Does BHC Marketing take advisors who are New in the business ? I just got my L&H license earlier this year. I was in the mortgage industry for about 9 years. Looking to see if there are any IMO's who are willing to work & train agents who want to sell annuities. I came across & they seem to be open to working with new people. Any suggestions on IMO's for new annuity agents would be appreciated. Training would obviously be key.
If you need training in annuities, you should go ahead and take a CE class or two. Then go buy a Jack Marrion book.