

GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
SocialOomph. What is it? Does it help?

A friend with a dental practice had someone set up a Twitter account about 3 months ago. He is paying someone to promote his practice through social networking and one of those sources is SocialOomph.

In 90 days he has over 1400 followers and is following over 2,000 tweeters. (Or whatever they call themselves).

Looking over some of the tweets showing up is a lot of nonsense stuff.

Some of the folks he is following are posting stuff I know he would not approve of if he was paying attention.

A quick look at some of his followers seems like mostly spammers and some "ladies" looking for a date.

I have to assume all this traffic is a result of SocialOomph and I fail to see how this is going to get more patients . . . especially some of the followers from Thailand and Hong Kong.

What is SocialOomph and why should I care?
How many want to be friends with a dentist?

Root canal or buy insurance.

Pretty much a toss up.
I know, I'll shoot a celebrity while wearing a t shirt with my website on it ...?
That lil douche Justin Bieber would be an excellent choice?
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Facebook and Twitter are mainly the domain of women, who for the most part use it for attention.

I can not imagine a company being able to replicate success using these mediums.

Anytime I login to Twitter/Facebook, I look at these status updates and I honestly say out loud " Do you think anyone gives a crap, what you had for lunch?"...

Also, I would not advise you add clients or prospective clients on either platform, that's just me though.
Most social sites (exception of Linkedin) you would be right on target.

Here is a cheat hint to build a quick following fast.
1.Open up a phony Gmail or Yahoo account for this purpose only.
2. With this empty email account add 350 people you want with emails (even though you do not know the people)
3. Either Twitter or Facebook will allow you to invite all members in your email account. Select, all the names.
4. On your account use a pretty female face.
5. Of the 350, 70+ will join.
6. Do this daily for a weekly
7. Now you have an authority account will over 500 followers of your choice.
8. Using an autoresponder, with an opt-out, send a message every 21 days, directed to your site. Giveaway an ebook.
9. Often it takes 8 attempts to get a positive. After 12, eliminate the non-responders.
10. Remember these are free leads. (plus almost everything was hands free)

Otherwise a lot of the social sites are for immature adults. Also they attract a well below average income level. However, if you put up a well planned page, like Alton's wife did, you might just get enough strays to make it worthwhile.

Happy Thanksgiving
(for those trying to hook up with me, you will only get the bird)
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