Stolen Car



My car was stolen and returned an hour later. The police brought it back to where I was, and I was able to drive away. I filled out a police report but did not press charges against the person who stole the car. My question is, will this show up on my insurance bills/claims/information?
My car was stolen and returned an hour later. The police brought it back to where I was, and I was able to drive away. I filled out a police report but did not press charges against the person who stole the car. My question is, will this show up on my insurance bills/claims/information?

I'm sorry I don't have the answer to your question but have a question of my own....You didn't press charges against the person who stole your car?
No, I didn't press charges. The only evidence that it happened is the police report. Im wondering if this incident will reach my insurance company?
No, I didn't press charges. The only evidence that it happened is the police report. Im wondering if this incident will reach my insurance company?

Once again I don't know the answer...But is there some reason you didn't think the person that stole your vehicle shouldn't be punshied? I bet the next person they steal a car from will wish you had pressed charges.
No, I didn't press charges. The only evidence that it happened is the police report. Im wondering if this incident will reach my insurance company?

The answer is it will show up on your insurance clue/MVR Information maybe your current company would not care, but if you switch insurance in the next 5 years the new company will see it.

By the way you did not press charges which gives me the impression as if it was someone you know?
Unless a claim is filed, there is very little chance this will show up on your insurance record. Basically, the claim is what would put it there.

On top of that, it really wouldn't matter much if it did show up. It would not have a direct impact on your rates, since no claim was paid.

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By the way, why would the police have brought it back to you? Usually they impound stolen cars, not return them.
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Depending on the state, if I recall they have to wait a couple of days for the claim anyway to make sure the car is NOT returned. A vandalized car will always be vandalized, a stolen car will not always be missing. I don't even think they will do a claim if you filed it, though I could be wrong.