Stroke 2+ years ago

Got a guy 53 NS takes Isosorbide only, no other meds. He isn't dependent on WC, or anything else, doesn't even talk funny or anything. Wanted to see who may be a possible non graded carrier here in NC, since graded is not allowed. The Uhl deluxe is a possibility, but they told me not to hold my breath due to the Iso, anyone have a better carrier?
Got a guy 53 NS takes Isosorbide only, no other meds. He isn't dependent on WC, or anything else, doesn't even talk funny or anything. Wanted to see who may be a possible non graded carrier here in NC, since graded is not allowed. The Uhl deluxe is a possibility, but they told me not to hold my breath due to the Iso, anyone have a better carrier?
Some people talk funny even if they haven't had a stroke. :twitchy:

He should be good to go with Bankers Fidelity. Level is $37.41 for $10K, while Trannie is $42.70 for $10K. :yes: