Student Seeking Insurance Info for Business Class


New Member
I am working on a business plan for my entrepreneur class. I have been researching insurance for our hypothetical business (a nonprofit therapeutic riding center for the mentally and physically impaired). I have determined that our organization will need workers' compensation, property and liability coverage, and directors and officers coverage. I am having difficulty finding out the cost of insurance for these 3 types of coverage. I just need estimates that are realistic for the financial section of our business plan and hope that someone can be of some assistance. Thanks.
To obtain an accurate quote, you will probably have to provide more information about the organization...such as employee information, and other information about the business.

Of course, since it is hypothetical, you could just make up the figures. I used to do that a lot in college.
Coverage and pricing varies in each state. I have provided insurance proposals for many students from our local colleges for similar projects here in California. Contact a local agency and see if they are willing to do the same.

Are you going to run your business in Ohio or another state?

You might want to look at what is required to operate a business in your state and even the county you want to do business in.

I agree you should contact a local office that does commerical insurance and ask nicely.
This guy has probably been waiting for over a year for an answer so he could complete his assignment. Finally he can pass his course.

Didn't either of you bother to check the date on this thread? It's okay. We already know the answer.
