Superbowl Pres.


1000 Post Club
I wish O'Reily had B slapped the smug off his face.
That ly'n smuck.
I love the bit about pre existing conditions he throws out like a piece of meat to the unwashed masses.
No underwriting ... no insurance.
"Half the country is for Obamacare, half is against it ..."
100% doesn't understand what they would be getting into.
THAT'S the part that gets to me.
If there was only a way to help "Mr. Middleclass" appreciate 1 1/2 year waiting periods, an assigned doctor and massive taxation; this ordeal would be history already.
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O'Reilly didn't correct Maobama when he said that 12 federal judges had thrown the case out.

Liberals need to be challenged because they rarely can come up with an answer.

Talk about a thowin a bone to fox news. 15 minutes? O tank u mr pres. O'reilly was on the offensive, eager to ask 2 years of pent up questions in 10 min, with egypt and superbowl as bookends. He completely avoided the question about "redistributing wealth to pay for those without insurance". suuuuuprise!:no:
Conservatives need to be consoled because they rarely can come up with a winning candidate.**


** i.e. The recent election for CA Insurance Commissioner

You've made a statement, now prove it. Give me facts and figures on a national level for the past election. Show us how conservatives rarely come up with a winning candidate. Or are you just taling out of your ass?

BTW, I got 370,000 votes. One for every penny you earned from insurance in the past 3 years.

Is it true that conservatives want to end social security disability? That's what I heard. Didn't you campaign on a conservative platform of ending all so-called entitlements?

Once again I will ask you to prove your statements. "That's what I heard" is of course bullshit.

Reference people saying that.

Also, please show me my the platform I ran on where I said anything about those subjects.

Otherwise, you are either are simply lying to get a response or you are making them up in your imagination. I certainly wouldn't say this about you but people who continually make things up can be a sign of a mental illness. In fact, someone told me that you were on a bunch of psych drugs but I'm sure that isn't true. But it is something I heard.

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