Taxing the Rich for Revenue is Like Peeing in the Pacific

Brokers Alliance

Taken from Emily Hutto's article, "Medicaid expenses on the verge of skyrocketing after PPACA - Who's footing the bill?" So that's where we are. Now state governments face PPACA-mandated changes that will determine where we're going. States will have to expand Medicaid coverage to people with income up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level. That's a 33 percent increase from where it is now.

The Fiscal Times article says, "The bottom line: Medicaid will rise another 13 percent to 3.4 percent of GDP by 2017 when the expansion is fully in effect."

Imagine what this infographic will look like by 2017. Then factor in the 10,000 baby boomers that the Pew Research Center estimates will turn 65 every day for the next 15 or so years, and the fact that more than half of the current Medicaid funding is for the elderly. One nagging question comes to mind: Who's footing the bill?

My Blog Response: Is that a serious question? The American Tax Payer…Dah! And with only half the country paying federal taxes, the burden will fall on the middle class once again. Why? You can tax the rich as the President desires to do, but it wouldn't even be close to being enough. Taxing the wealthy for additional revenue is like trying to raise the water level of the Pacific by having them pee in it. So the revenue from taxing them will only be absorbed by the ocean of red ink to no avail. The budget tight middle class will once again be coerced into footing the bill, this time for Obamacare. So what's new?