Thanks for All the Good Advice!

Lowcountry 42

I'm to tired to type much, however I would like to thank all of you helped me get here. Jd and Dave D in particular. It's been a brutal trip but after 9 months in this biz and the last 2 with EFES I have finally started closing some good business in the last 2 weeks. If I can keep this up and get better I will be satisfied. I have used some of the wisdom on this board to close deals that were showing me to the door! Not having the luxury of a local trainer I have used y'alls collective knowledge. Thank you one and all.
I'm to tired to type much, however I would like to thank all of you helped me get here. Jd and Dave D in particular. It's been a brutal trip but after 9 months in this biz and the last 2 with EFES I have finally started closing some good business in the last 2 weeks. If I can keep this up and get better I will be satisfied. I have used some of the wisdom on this board to close deals that were showing me to the door! Not having the luxury of a local trainer I have used y'alls collective knowledge. Thank you one and all.

South Carolina's a tough market but good people once you get known.
You told me that you were sick of helping all the people on the forum. Especially guys from the South.

Or was it that you were tired of helping that *** from Indiana?


I enjoy helping out the *** from Indiana. It's giving me content for my upcoming book, 'How I Taught a Chimp to Sell Insurance' by Tinssy T with a forward by Richard "Smooth" Bronstein.

Look for it on Amazon.
"Thanks for All the Good Advice!".. You got good advice here? Will have to have a talk with Sam.. I am sure that is against forum rules.. :1biggrin:
I think Sam understands that will happen from time to time.

Speaking of good advice....Never kiss a chicken on the lips!