The Dems Turn Up Another Anita Hill At The 11th Hour

John Wilkes Booth

Lee Harvey Oswald

Christine Blasey Ford

I know, I know, she didn't assassinate a President but she sure did try to carry out a hit on a Supreme Court judicial nominee. Here's her problem, and it is now HER problem:

Feinstein Defends Handling of Ford Letter: ‘I Did Not Leak Her Story’

So Feinstein has now said she didn't leak the story to the press. Well then who did? Feinstein's explanation, the media pestered Ford. Really, how did they find out about it? Come on, somebody talked. Must have been Ford, after all, Feinstein didn't leak it.

Notice how quickly the Dems rushed to throw Ford under the bus.

After the November elections, whether Kavenaugh wins or loses, Ford's life is going to get SOOOO scrutinized she will not be a happy camper. Even if Kavenaugh wins her life will be under the microscope because Pelosi and her crew will be out to impeach Kavenaugh. And if he loses, irate Republicans will be looking to underline how he was assassinated by:

Christine Blasey Ford

She is toast either way. Are there any dark clouds in her past? We are going to find out.

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