The Hartford for a Beginning Agent?


New Member
I'm newly licensed and thinking of going with the Hartford. I started training with AIL but didn't like some of their practices. I am much more impressed with the Hartford. The leads do cost $25 each though, where I've seen other companies offer lower priced or free leads. However, it does look like a solid company with good training. Does anyone have any advice about going with them for a beginner? Thanks!
I'm newly licensed and thinking of going with the Hartford. I started training with AIL but didn't like some of their practices. I am much more impressed with the Hartford. The leads do cost $25 each though, where I've seen other companies offer lower priced or free leads. However, it does look like a solid company with good training. Does anyone have any advice about going with them for a beginner? Thanks!

Has to be better than AIL! :yes:
Find a mentor, Seasoned Insurance professional, and work under him/her. Search this forum and I am sure you will find somebody.