This Forum Is Awsome!!


New Member
Hello everyone,
I'm just getting started in the insurance business, and taking my exam next week. Just in the past few weeks of looking through this forum I have learned so much. I think I would've had to pay big $$$ to get this knowlege some where else, so thanks everyone for posting all this info.
I appreciate the hard work that goes into creating and maintaining this online community.

I'm learning first hand how special this forum is. I'm trying to get a forum going myself (a music-related forum, not an insurance-related one). It ain't easy. We got spam, porn and bad actors and we haven't even opened the doors yet.
I appreciate the hard work that goes into creating and maintaining this online community.

I'm learning first hand how special this forum is. I'm trying to get a forum going myself (a music-related forum, not an insurance-related one). It ain't easy. We got spam, porn and bad actors and we haven't even opened the doors yet.

Sti, and Val do a great job keeping spambots off of this forum.
I appreciate the hard work that goes into creating and maintaining this online community.

I'm learning first hand how special this forum is. I'm trying to get a forum going myself (a music-related forum, not an insurance-related one). It ain't easy. We got spam, porn and bad actors and we haven't even opened the doors yet.

My son goes on a couple of music forums (spends way too much time on them actually) and he has said the same thing about the spam, porn etc. Even gross creepy stuff like dead body photos, horrible. He suggests that when you open a forum, (and since he is 19 now he knows everything) that you learn who your reliable posters are and if they are willing offer to make them moderators. No one can watch their forum 24/7 so it's great when you get reliable volunteers. And most of them aren't looking for money to do this, they are looking for power (self important, mighty power to delete and clean up stuff!). I really know nothing about this but I thought that sounded reasonable, if you can do it technically.