This is as bad as it gets

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
My theory is the agent who farthest behind on their car payment wins. This guy must have the tow truck looking for his.

Telemarketed my own lead - rather rude lady, 47, healthy who I couldn't help. Said everything I was showing her was too expensive with too high of a deductible. Fine.

We just had a nice round of calls. She called me a little while ago to gloat about finding a "much cheaper plan" then the ones I showed. She obviously hit the net. The odd part was she said it was one of the plans I recommended, except much cheaper. Hmmm......smells fishy. I ran the rate again, and it was impossible to hit the rate she was given.

She got off the phone - called me back. Confirmed that was the plan she was buying. I told her to have the agent email/fax the proposal or show her the rate online. Her interest peaked when we went back to my site link and she ran her own rate - no where close to what to she was being told. Again...rude - said "He probably has a better deal with the insurance company."

Then she called me back again, this time livid. She held her agent's feet to the fire, told him she ran the rates from my site and couldn't duplicate what she was buying - asked for the proposal. It was the plan I told her to stay away from. The agent ended up telling her he submitted her for that plan "by mistake."

Now....what size balls to you need to quote and go over the plan benefits for one plan, then flat out submit another one?
My theory is the agent who farthest behind on their car payment wins. This guy must have the tow truck looking for his.

Telemarketed my own lead - rather rude lady, 47, healthy who I couldn't help. Said everything I was showing her was too expensive with too high of a deductible. Fine.

We just had a nice round of calls. She called me a little while ago to gloat about finding a "much cheaper plan" then the ones I showed. She obviously hit the net. The odd part was she said it was one of the plans I recommended, except much cheaper. Hmmm......smells fishy. I ran the rate again, and it was impossible to hit the rate she was given.

She got off the phone - called me back. Confirmed that was the plan she was buying. I told her to have the agent email/fax the proposal or show her the rate online. Her interest peaked when we went back to my site link and she ran her own rate - no where close to what to she was being told. Again...rude - said "He probably has a better deal with the insurance company."

Then she called me back again, this time livid. She held her agent's feet to the fire, told him she ran the rates from my site and couldn't duplicate what she was buying - asked for the proposal. It was the plan I told her to stay away from. The agent ended up telling her he submitted her for that plan "by mistake."

Now....what size balls to you need to quote and go over the plan benefits for one plan, then flat out submit another one?

Bigger ones than I have.
Yikes... that is scary. Will she be giving you her business now?? I would hope so. Makes you wonder how many other people this agent has fooled into buying a crap plan when they thought they were getting a lot more benefits..... Geeze, and I thought just SELLING a right start plan was a bad idea... this agent is taking that to a whole new level.
It was a honest mistake John I didn't mean to sell her that

What kind of agent woudl do that?

Did you get their name?

That's the worst kind of ethics I've ever seen. How can someone live with themselves knowing they could potentially ruin someone.
Did you get the deal?

And for the record John I told her that the Right Start was the plan for her because it was named in honor of people needing to take that 1st step to get a health insurance plan. :D
I had something like that happen a few months ago, the client initially was arrogant and said I wasn't offering competitive products. Well I asked him to get a sample policy. Long story short, he saw the light and I got his business.
I don't work with rude people. If I'm given a lead, and they are rude, I call the person who referred them, and tell them that the person was rude to me, and does not respect me, or what I do, and based on that, I don't think I can provide them the quality of care they deserve.
Originally Posted by healthagent
My theory is the agent who farthest behind on their car payment wins. This guy must have the tow truck looking for his.
Telemarketed my own lead - rather rude lady, 47, healthy who I couldn't help. Said everything I was showing her was too expensive with too high of a deductible. Fine.

Been there, seen and heard that, got the Tee shirt. It seems to be the norm in Texas. Low life "agents" will sell people the Fortis Right start, and tell them that there are unlimited doctor visits (with a co-pay). Never mention the co-insurance or the per service fees, tell them there is a much smaller deductible than they will get and generally lie like a Hong Kong Taxi meter. This behaviour seems especially prevalant with UA and Mega agents. It amazes me that people will buy this crap without doing any kind of due diligence. Also it amazes me how some of these "agents" manage to keep their license.