This is Getting Really Sebelius

The blackmailing will soon start. Our way, or you will effectively be out of business. What a bunch of thugs.
Might as well be government run health insurance since they are dictating everything.

Carriers need to bond together, put their foot down, shoot Sebelius the middle finger, and say enough is enough. Are they spineless?
Shebullshits is posturing on this since she has no direct authority to compel the carriers to do anything. So far, carriers are standing their ground (about freaking time) and so are most of the DOI's.

Obamacrap is so unpopular the only one talking about it is a non-elected official with no real power.

When she speaks it is like a puppet. I am waiting to see a picture of her sitting on Obama's lap with his hand up her dress making her mouth move.

If she had any sense she would do like Emanuel and others and skip out before the torch & pitchfork crowd arrives to toss her out. The peasants are at the gate.
Apparently a deal has been reached in MD for Carefirst and Kaiser to resume child-only policies but as of now children still can't be quoted.

"Today, the state of Maryland will announce a new agreement with Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield that will ensure the two companies continue to sell child-only insurance policies."

Read more:
CA AB 2244 signed into law last week by the Governator.

Carriers must sell child-only coverage policies 1/1/11 and after, GI period 60-days open enrollment (or any time of year if SEP Event), can be rated up to maximum but not declined.

The kicker..........Any carrier that does not offer to sell child-only policies in CA on 1/1/11 or after will face a penalty of a 5-year blackout from selling ANY individual & family coverage in the state.
CA AB 2244 signed into law last week by the Governator.

Carriers must sell child-only coverage policies 1/1/11 and after, GI period 60-days open enrollment (or any time of year if SEP Event), can be rated up to maximum but not declined.

The kicker..........Any carrier that does not offer to sell child-only policies in CA on 1/1/11 or after will face a penalty of a 5-year blackout from selling ANY individual & family coverage in the state.

Damn good thing we have a republican governor that will protect people from this kind of crap.

Given the state of CA politics, even if ObamaCrap is proven unconstitutional, we now have state law that will screw everyone.

Any carrier that does not offer to sell child-only policies in CA on 1/1/11 or after will face a penalty of a 5-year blackout from selling ANY individual & family coverage in the state.

I guess it depends on how they define "maximum rate up" and how badly carriers want to play in that market.

IFP has been profitable in the past for most carriers but with new constraints that will not be the case. Small group, particularly those under 10 lives, is a loss leader.

If they can't make money in small group or IFP they will simply take their bat & ball and go home.

Other states that have tried to strong arm carriers in to toeing the line have only made things worse for consumers, not better. You only have to look at ME, NY, NJ, MA to see what I mean.

This is not going to play out well for the consumer, no matter how much spin politicians try to put on it.
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This just in .. .

From the La Times (I think that is a Spanish newspaper)

Q. Does Florida have any way of forcing insurers to write individual policies for children?

No, and neither does the federal government.
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