Thoughts on Companies


1000 Post Club
With regard to Annuity products, how do these companies stack up?

American National
Lincoln Benefit
Lincoln Financial
North American
Ohio National
All of above!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or which companies are strongest in each area, like, fixed, variable, etc...or 2 or 3 that might just be strong (or weak) overall! Top 3 you would want to rep, etc
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With regard to Annuity products, how do these companies stack up?


I think they have some decent FIAs (although they were better a few years ago) and flexible premium fixed annuities. They used to have a pretty competitive income rider for their VAs (Lifepay Plus I think it was called), but they've been out of that game for awhile now.

Lincoln Financial

Their MYGA rates are usually decent. I like their New Directions FIA product (and I think they pioneered the "Performance Triggered" crediting method), and their income rider is kind of unique (it takes into account not only your age, but how long you've owned the contract before starting income).

i4Life is very popular for NQ VAs.

Ohio National

They have the best VA contract in the business. Their living benefits (GMAB and GLWB) were top notch, but have dropped a bit over the last year or so.


As far as I'm concerned, the only thing they have that's worth a damn is the Lifetime Income Accelerator rider for their VA contract (and I guess they have a decent Enhanced DB for a VA contract).

The "HD" concept was nice...until it dropped from 7, to 6, to 5, AND they killed the withdrawal percentages for joint lives. Even when the numbers were better, it always bothered me that they could take the account out of the market and put it in bonds.

Other companies I think are worth a look for FIAs...

Pacific Life
Great American / AILIC
(most people would probably also say American Equiy, Aviva, and Midland, but I disagree).

For MYGAs...

Sentinel Life

For Flexible Premium Fixed...

Security Benefit

For VAs...

Pacific Life

For SPIAs...

Penn Mutual
Pacific Life