OK, let's work with your example.No my example is not going in full blown nursing some . Just going for rehab for maybe 20 days. When they drop your mapd who's paying the Part A $1656 deductible when your own original Medicare . You already paid your $350 a day times 6 in the hospital ? Is the SNF who dropped your mapd eating that $1656?
Depending on your plan, an MAPD offers SNF coverage for up to 100 days. Part A under OM covers 20 days at 100%. After 20 days, or days 21-100, the patient pays a copay of $209.50 per day. This would be covered by his supplement assuming he has one.
As far as the part A deductible, there is no carry over when changing plan types. MAPD to OM. So the $1,656 would be the patient's responsibility.
As far as the SNF eating the deductible, in 40 years of doing this stuff, I've never seen a medical provider eat a damn thing.